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![]() Synthesis of Psychology, Sociology and History, based on supplemented and wholly revised Maslow theory - MaslChet (Maslow-Chetvertakov) Profession: System analyst, Ph.D, mathematician in field of forecasting, programmer – near 30 years exp., business-analyst – 10 years exp., independent researcher since 2012 I was born in 1945 in Saint-Petersburg. In secondary school I became interested in politics, enthusiastically carried out political information, read the major works of Marx and Lenin. By the end of the school had already discussed the shortcomings of socialism and ways to overcome them. In 1964, I wrote a letter to the Central Committee demanding cleaning party, for which I was summoned to the Regional Committee of the Communist Party, the Smolny, to "talk". In 1970 I graduated from the Physics and Mechanics Department of Petersburg, Polytechnic Institute (now the Technical University of Peter the Great) as an engineer-physicist specialty "Automated control systems". With the start of work after graduation (1970) I met with the realities of science and industry. Began to revise the theory of Marxism in some of the problems of the future "communism", announced on 1980 - the problem of separation between mental and physical labor. To my happiness came across information about the motivation in management, which refers to the theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The combination of these "critical mass" of science has changed my whole life, has led to the conclusion as a "theorem about the necessity of labor exploitation." (1973-74). This meant understanding of the "death of socialism." This result has changed the worldview and the life of the author. Work evenings and weekends in the field of history and sociology, and since 2002 in psychology, and now the time - this is the main business of life. The goal since the opening was the need to deliver these results to society and therefore reduce it aggressiveness, hatred and, on the other hand, dependency, domestic and historical pessimism, increase social responsibility of both sides of class conflict. Gradually emerged and additional but important task - to reduce the imperial pride and humiliation of the periphery in all its aspects, including the ethnic side, and the second as the next stage - to eliminate the domination of the state over society. It was and continues to be the author's moral imperative, as it is important for Russia and some other countries in the process of transit to the modern world. Consistently working with the interpretation of the Maslow theory and its correction in the period 2002-2011 years, the author unexpectedly received a lot of new results, the value of which may be useful not only for him but also for the scientific community in the fields of psychology, sociology and history. We have formed a new version of Maslow's hierarchy under the name-3, it clarifies the first two versions of Maslow and presented in the published in 2011, our book "Reconstruction of Maslow's theory" (September 2011). The most striking for us turned out to be the conclusion of self-esteem needs (in Maslow), which was estimated by us (2008) as a clear conscience or meet the needs of personal or social balance. It stands over creativity (selfactualisation), and it is feedback to the creativity. The world can become better! But it should be improved on the basis of knowledge. Only knowledge can allow to understand society and consciously solve it’s problem - fix the old, to solve the real, and sometimes the future. This actually is the political and social culture. And one should start with an understanding of psychology with knowledge of psychology of the average "historical" person. On this basis it is possible to explore social structures and patterns in society which are becoming more complex in our times. This path can begin with an understanding of society and history on the basis of the Maslow-3 (Chetvertakov) theory. An expanded and revised theory of the hierarchy of needs can be called MASLCHET (Maslow-Chetvertakov). It's not just a theory of Maslow for the US time -1970s, but the extension of this theory, modified to history investigation. Why Maslow? Because that is the way to master common political culture. It can be made with the help of the theory of MaslChet. New MaslChet's theory allowed to understand some important aspects of anthropogeny (the appearance of tribal relations and consciousness), historical development (archaic despotism, the empire, feudalism, capitalism appearance), and part of contemporary issues, such as corruption, monopoly defects in banking, errors in family law, in ethnic relations and in demographic planning. The latest results in psychology in the period 2011-2016 are outlined in the work "Pitcher of Maslow - psychology from the fear of pain to conscience" (2016) - 628 p. This work starts a new project. Main idea is to present to the ordinary reader the virtual bridge that emerged as a result of the research of the MASLCHET system from Nature to Live and Human and then to Society. The work should combine the appearance of the Living through Evolution and Anthropogenesis, the Origin of the Language and Consciousness of Man to Society and History. "Maslow Pitcher ..." is the first part of this project. The hierarchy of needs MASLCHET is presented briefly for references in English . The basis of the presentation is the general PARADIGM OF ADAPTATION. The idea follows from the own mechanism of the Evolution of Life. Adaptation is realized through the three adaptive functions of Life (energy production, safety and reproduction with transfer of culture). Together they provide a clear place for the phenomenon of Psychic as the highest and already individual form of adaptation (according to Norbert Wiener) through the behavior of Animals and Man. The psychic is built over the simplest forms of adaptation in evolution (cellular, etc.). Psychic management does not exist without information. In this regard, the topic obliges us to give and apply a new concept of information for the Living (extraction, storage, transmission and use). Unlike Animals, a new fourth Life function appears in Man - it is volitional search or retrieval of information from the Environment through the repetition of experiments. It as a culture becomes in memory a special resource and means of satisfying needs. Compared with the work of 2011, the place of Conscience as a higher need, above Creativity, was specified. The interpretation of the Golden Rules is given. The second revised edition of "Maslow's Jug" was published in March 2018 with a changed title "MASLCHET's Jug - Psychology from Fear of Pain to Conscience" (704 p.). It clarifies the innovation - our logical way out of the old forms of respect (pre-social Darwinian in the spirit of "man - a political animal") to respect in the form of equality of "human rights". This distinction, derived from the formation of conscience, will be fully substantiated and explained within the framework of future historical sociology. Its first brief announcement (370 pages) was exhibited in 2019. It attempts to demonstrate the connection of Maslow's system (in a nutshell) with sociology and with the application of psychology to sociology. The topic of corruption is chosen as an example. And therefore the work is called rather narrowly "Corruption of monopolies as a mechanism of psychology: based on the theory of Maslow-3 or Maslchet". Now (from 2019-2023) the author is busy substantiating the energy foundations of the order (hierarchy) of needs. This result will interrupt the century-old delusion of general psychology about the "dispositional" (arbitrary) nature of the goals and needs of Man. In the same work, on the basis of materialism, the definition of Life and the differences of Man, I formed the highest value (for an individual and for ethics). This is the goal of preserving Humanity as a whole as the cognizing matter of Sapiens for the maximum possible time.
Site deployed in Russian. However, the author believes that the information is useful for readers in other countries and therefore begins to annotate works in English. January 2022 |
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Essay on the Near and Far (Russian) |
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Social Psychology*Engl |
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Sociology (Russian) |
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History (Russan) |